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In 1615, Willem Neerfeldt began to brew beer in a small Dutch village of Groll (currently known as Groenlo), which can be translated as “green forest”, so Grolsch beer became known as “beer from the green forest”.

In 1676, master of his time Peter Sanford Kuyper made a revolution in the method of beer brewing, adding additional hops (one for taste, one for flavor) to create the distinctive taste of modern Grolsch. In 1897, a cult bottle of Swingtop was created (a bottle with a unique bottle cap “Swingtop”, which gives the possibility of multiple use – opening, closing).

Despite cheaper alternatives, the design was preserved, because Grolsch beer deserves a special bottle! Grolsch is beer with character, it gives an opportunity to express an independent spirit due to its bold taste, unusual “Swingtop” bottle cap, unconventional recipe and 400 years of experience.